Many videos are referenced throughout the book. You can watch them here, simply by selecting from the bulleted links below. Please note that not all of the views expressed in these videos are shared by the author(s) or staff.

Chapter 1:
Building gods
Chapter 2:
Prophecy in the News Interview About Nimrod
Chapter 3:
The New Atlantis
Riddles in Stone
Chapter 4:
The Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers
President Bush's Family Tree
Eye of the Phoenix
The Illuminati: The Missing Documentaries
Chapter 5:
UFO Montage (mainstream media over the last few years)
Angel in the Whirlwind (Tom Horn)
Bush's response concerning Skull and Bones
President Obama's White House Correspondence Dinner
The Norway Spiral
The Whole Earth Shook on 12/21/10
Chapter 6:
NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy Vol. 1
Dinar News Reports
Glenn Beck and Joel Rosenberg Discuss Iraq
Myron Fagan's 1960 Lecture on the Illuminati
Chapter 7:
Electronic Voter Fraud: A Testimony Under Oath
Obama Eligibility
Why We Fight
In Lies We Trust: CIA, Hollywood and Bio-terrorism
The Secret of Oz
Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined
The Ultimate Con
Leonard Ulrich NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecies Vol 1
The Illuminati: The Missing Documentaries (Part 1)
Exposing the Fraud of 9/11 in 22 minutes
In Plane Sight
Loose Change 911: An American Coup
Painful Deceptions
Randy Savage predicts the Twin Towers going down
The Longest 9/11 Documentary (6 hours 25 minutes)